Damn, this kind of jazz language research is catnip for me. Thanks for posting! Also— I was pleased to see the post with outtakes from the Sound of Sonny album. I’ve seen some reviews that damn that record with faint praise, which makes no sense to me. The two Sonnys together are a great team, and I’m happy to listen to any extra material you post from this session. (Anything with Rollins or clark is interesting, but their pairing is pretty special.)

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Glad you like this essay--and thanks for the comments on Sonny and Sonny! THANK YOU KARL!

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Hi Lewis,

thanks for another splendid essay.

Hasn't the very Salt-Peanuts-Phrase appeared already in Eddie Durham's arrangement of Wham (Rebop-Boom-Bam) for the Glenn Miller band? Here's a live broadcast from April 2, 1940 (Salt Peanuts "quote" at 1:35, Marion Hutton, voc): https://youtu.be/i68vI2-t_ZQ Glenn recorded it for Victor on August 1, 1939.

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Please see the previous essay on Salt Peanuts for which i gave the link. Wham IS mentioned in my previous essay as one of MANY prior recordings that have perhaps Three notes in common with Dizzy's theme. For example Wham has the octave jump only--Not the same at all. But anyway, do see the previous essay please!! THANK YOU BREWSK

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Thanks for the quick response. Oh, well, yes ... I didn't know your blog yet in August 2023. Sorry, my bad. Apropos "The Dipsy Doodle": https://jeffhelgesen.blogspot.com/2010/08/kenny-dorham-major-bebop-trumpet.html

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That's great that Dorham liked The Dipsy Doodle. A while ago I posted some unknown audio interviews with Dorham. You can scroll through my previous posts, or use the Index on the home page: https://lewisporter.substack.com/p/index


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Once again, jazz history comes alive!

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Incredible research! Thank you Lewis!! Dizzy and Klook collaborating in 1941!!!!!!! 😮😮😮….thanks again…

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Thanks for your own fine work as well. THANK YOU VINNIE

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